Registration Website


The FIO Foundation has developed and is hosting a account-free website which allows for registration of FIO Handles and Domains in exchange for payment in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, DAI, Ethereum, Litecoin, and USD Coin.

Wallets wanting to offer their customers ability to purchase FIO Handles with currencies other than FIO, can use the site. There are several ways to enable FIO Handle and Domain registration including linking to the registration site, accessing the registration API, and hosting an internal instance of the registration site.


Get Free FIO Handles for your users

The FIO Foundation may be able to fund new FIO Handle registrations for qualified partners. Please reach out to the FIO Foundation's Partnerships Team for further information.

Linking to the FIO Registration Site

The easiest integration option is to simply link off to the registration site and pass the user’s FIO Public Key. URL formats are as follows:

Link to FIO Domain/FIO Handle selection Page

Link to FIO Domain selection Page

Example of the FIO registration site UI

Example of the FIO registration site UI


Private Domains not Supported

When a new FIO Domain is registered, it is set to Private, meaning only the owner of the FIO Domain can register FIO Handles on it. Therefore, FIO Handle registrations on Private domains must be implemented using Native Integration.


Contact Business Development

To get set-up with the FIO Registration Website, please reach out to the FIO Foundation's Partnerships Team.


Using FIO Registration Website API

If you prefer to have full control over the payment process, you can simply obtain the crypto currency payment address and amount in different currencies and build payment screens inside the wallet. Once the payment is received, the FIO Handle is automatically registered.


Private Domains not Supported

When a new FIO Domain is registered, it is set to Private, meaning only the owner of the FIO Domain can register FIO Handles on it. Therefore, FIO Handle registrations on Private domains must be implemented using Native Integration.


Contact Business Development

To get set-up with the FIO Registration Website, please reach out to the FIO Foundation's Partnerships Team.