Contract Development
The FIO Protocol is a smart contract platform that relies on a set of well-defined smart contracts that implement the various functions of the FIO protocol. Maintaining and extending these contracts is the job of smart contract blockchain developers who serve the protocol by completing efforts defined in worker proposals approved by the FIO steering committee.
When new contracts are made by developers, it is important to understand the process of adding a new contract into the set of system contracts that make up the FIO Protocol. It is also useful to understand the guidelines and working instructions that help a developer to document any new contracts, or existing contract modifications they might be making.
Documenting Changes for Deployment
Smart contract developers who have developed enhancements to the FIO protocol should consider several important deliverables:
- The developer must at a minimum document the commands necessary to be executed on the previous version of the chain in order to deliver their changes
- The developer must summarize the necessary dependencies of any modified contracts:
- Explain what the order of delivery of the changes must be
- Communicate any changes that can be done in any iterations of deployment that might result during test net and main net delivery.
- The developer should also clearly communicate changes that MUST go into the chain together.
This documentation can be added to the existing design documentation:
Adding new contracts to a local development environment
This page identifies the files that should be modified in order to properly add a new smart contract into the FIO protocol.
There are two steps to add a new system contract. The first step is to add your system contract information to fio.contracts
. The next step is to make various chain calls to ensure that the new contract functions properly in the local development, testnet, or mainnet environment. This page focuses on the changes needed to properly add your contract into a local development environment.
FIO Github Repository
When developing or making changes, be sure to branch from
on all repositories to stay on pace with code updates.
Update fio.contracts
Add account name and contract name to system contracts
The first step is to add the new account name and contract name to fio.common.hpp
static const name YourContractNameContract = name(“YourContractAccountname”);
static const name YourContractNameACCOUNT = name(“YourContractContractname”);
The following is an example of adding a new system contract for staking contract:
static const name StakingContract = name("fio.staking");
static const name STAKINGACCOUNT = name("fio.staking”);
Update system contracts authorization checks
Next, add the new account name to the system contracts authorization checks. Edit the native.hpp
file and add the account name to the list of FIO system accounts within the updateauth action. For example:
if(!(account == fioio::MSIGACCOUNT ||
account == fioio::WRAPACCOUNT ||
account == fioio::SYSTEMACCOUNT ||
account == fioio::ASSERTACCOUNT ||
account == fioio::REQOBTACCOUNT ||
account == fioio::FeeContract ||
account == fioio::AddressContract ||
account == fioio::TPIDContract ||
account == fioio::TokenContract ||
account == fioio::TREASURYACCOUNT ||
account == fioio::FIOSYSTEMACCOUNT ||
account == fioio::STAKINGACCOUNT ||
account == fioio::FIOACCOUNT )
Update fio.devtools
The following outlines the updates to fio.devtools needed to bootstrap the new contract in a local development environment.
System contract permissions
In FIO Testnet and Mainnet, the contract owner will always be an multisig account controlled by all active block producers. In the local development and test environments, the system contracts and accounts are controlled by a known public/private key.
Create the contract account
Modify the file to create the new system account:
./clio -u http://localhost:8879 create account eosio fio.staking FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS
Load the new contract
Modify the to load the new contract:
./clio -u http://localhost:8879 set contract fio.staking $fio_staking_name_path fio.staking.wasm fio.staking.abi
Whitelist the new contract's actions
Modify the to add your new contract’s actions:
./clio -u http://$host push action eosio addaction '{"action":"stakefio","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
./clio -u http://$host push action eosio addaction '{"action":"unstakefio","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
Build the contracts and run a local test node
Rebuild the FIO blockchain with scripts/, and install with
Run fio.devtools option 3 to clear existing configuring, option 2 to build the contract changes, and then finally option 1 to initialize the new chain with the changes supporting the new contract.
Deploying FIO Contracts
This document describes the important commands that must be included in a deployment bundle when a FIO smart contract developer is preparing to deliver changes for release to testnet and mainnet. The document also attempts to provide examples of the commands that are frequently used in the deployment bundle for projects delivering new contracts to the FIO protocol.
Set Up Development Environment
In order to begin the process of release testing, the developer must first set up a development environment in a configuration that matches the present mainnet release. The developer must use a branch of fio.devtools which they have used for development, but this branch must be further modified for releasing to testnet.
- The developer must pull from the GitHub, the mainnet versions of the following repositories:
- FIO.contracts
- First, build the above versions, then archive/save the fio.contracts repository to a working directory fio.contracts.mainnet.
Build and Stage Your Delivery for Testing
Now the developer must pull the development version of their delivery and build this and stage it for use in release testing.
- First, pull your development version of contracts, and build this.
- Archive/save this to a working directory called fio.contracts.staking.
- Next rename the fio.contracts.mainnet directory to be fio.contracts.
- Now, start up your local dev environment.
- Run any smoke tests necessary to verify that the local dev environment is up and running.
Sample Commands
Once the changes have been tested, the developer can discover, or perform the set of commands used to deploy their changes onto the mainnet blockchain.
Note: The following sequence of commands is for example purposes. The commands necessary are different for any project being delivered and these commands must be discovered and verified by the smart contract developer who develops the changes for the project to be delivered.
The first set of commands necessary to upgrade the mainnet chain performs the adding of new contract actions, and adds their associated fees to the mainnet chain. Please be sure to list out in your release guide any new actions defined in your contract and any new user-facing API endpoints that will require a FIO fee.
Addaction and createfee
Add new actions for staking
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"stakefio","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"unstakefio","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"incgstake","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"incgrewards","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"recorddaily","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"decgstake","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"incacctstake","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"decacctstake","contract":"fio.staking","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"paystake","contract":"fio.treasury","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio addaction '{"action":"modgenlocked","contract":"eosio","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
Create the new fees
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8879 push action -f fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"stake_fio_tokens","type":"1","suf_amount":"3000000000"}' --permission fio.fee@active
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8879 push action -f fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"unstake_fio_tokens","type":"1","suf_amount":"3000000000"}' --permission fio.fee@active
After adding your new actions and fees to the protocol, it is common to next deploy modified contracts to the mainnet chain. Be sure you understand all of the contracts impacted by your changes, and the order in which they must be deployed. Specify the set of commands to be executed to deliver all contract modifications.
Note: You may need to create a new contract account before doing this and add your new contract to the mainnet protocol (your needs will be unique to your project).
Deploy contracts
Deploy the changes to the system contract to permit the new contract as a fio system contract.
Note: This command deploys the changes to locks, and the changes to add the new fio.staking account as a new fio account.
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j eosio /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/fio.system fio.system.wasm fio.system.abi --permission eosio@active
Create new contract/account and deploy the contract
If adding a new contract you will need to add the new owning account of the contract, and deploy the new contract:
#create the new account
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8879 create account eosio fio.staking FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS -p eosio@active
#set the account permissions
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8879 set account permission fio.staking active '{"threshold": 1,"keys": [{"key": "FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS","weight": 1}],"accounts": [{"permission":{"actor":"fio.staking","permission":"eosio.code"},"weight":1}]}}' 4000000000 owner -p fio.staking@owner
#set the account to be privileged.
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8879 push action eosio setpriv '["fio.staking",1]' -p eosio@active
Remove RAM Limits on a New Account
When making a new contract account you need to remove ram limits on the account
Note: This may be called by eosio, and fio.system only!
#remove RAM limits on the new account
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 push action eosio setnolimits '{"account":"fio.staking"}' --permission eosio@active
#set the contract on the new account
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j fio.staking /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/fio.staking fio.staking.wasm fio.staking.abi --permission fio.staking@active
Set all other contracts
After setting up the new contract account you might then deploy the rest of the affected contracts. Your project needs will be unique and the lead developer must identify the order of these events that are necessary to deploy your project onto mainnet.
#now deploy the rest of the contracts affected by staking integration.
#eosio.msig - Local WASM:
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j eosio.msig /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/eosio.msig eosio.msig.wasm eosio.msig.abi --permission eosio.msig@active
#fio.address - Local WASM:
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j fio.address /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/fio.address fio.address.wasm fio.address.abi --permission fio.address@active
#fio.fee - Local WASM:
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j fio.fee /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/fio.fee fio.fee.wasm fio.fee.abi --permission fio.fee@active
#fio.request.obt - Local WASM:
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j fio.reqobt /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/fio.request.obt fio.request.obt.wasm fio.request.obt.abi --permission fio.reqobt@active
#fio.token - Local WASM:
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j fio.token /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/fio.token fio.token.wasm fio.token.abi --permission fio.token@active
#fio.tpid - Local WASM:
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j fio.tpid /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/fio.tpid fio.tpid.wasm fio.tpid.abi --permission fio.tpid@active
#fio.treasury - Local WASM:
../fio/build/bin/clio -u http://localhost:8889 set contract -j fio.treasury /home/ubuntu/fio.contracts.staking/build/contracts/fio.treasury fio.treasury.wasm fio.treasury.abi --permission fio.treasury@active
Updated about 1 year ago