Creating Chain Multisigs

This document outlines the process for creating and approving transactions that required the approval of the top 21 block producers. These transactions are submitted as multisig transactions which are sent to the block producers for approval. Once 15/21 block producers have approved the multisig, it may be executed.

Cryptolions MSIG tool

We will use the Cryptolions MSIG tool to build the msig.

1. Clone the repository

git clone
cd MSIG_console_manager

2. Edit 0_CONFIG.json

Next, edit 0_CONFIG.json and update the path to your clio binary and include the information for your msig. The approver and proposer should be set to the account of the user building the msig.

For example, the following config file can be used to submit addaction transactions:

    "proposer": "un3emex141fp",
    "proposalName": "addact",
    "approver": "un3emex141fp",
    "msig_expiration_h": 720,
    "actions_list_file": "1_actions_list",
    "requireBPsapprove": 1,
    "approvers_list": "{\"actor\": \"acc1\", \"permission\": \"active\"},{\"actor\": \"acc2\", \"permission\": \"active\"}",
    "clio": "/home/ubuntu/fio.devtools/bin/clio",
    "walletHost": "",
    "nodeHost": "",

    "feePropose": 1000000000000,
    "feeApprove": 4000000000,
    "feeCancel": 10000000000,
    "feeExec": 4000000000

3. Add clio transactions to 1_actions_list

Next, add the relevant transaction calls to the 1_actions_list file. For example:

./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"clrgenlocked","contract":"eosio","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"wraptokens","contract":"","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"unwraptokens","contract":"","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"regoracle","contract":"","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"unregoracle","contract":"","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"setoraclefee","contract":"","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"wrapdomain","contract":"","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"unwrapdomain","contract":"","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active

The table below lists examples of other frequently used FIO transactions:

Actionclio command
addaction./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"wraptokens","contract":"","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
createfee./ push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"wrap_fio_tokens","type":"0","suf_amount":"390000000"}' -p fio.fee@active
regoracle./ push action regoracle '{"oracle_actor": "xzbyelnseqx3", "actor": "eosio"}' -p
set contract./ set contract fio.address /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.address/ -p fio.address

clio notes:

  • Use the permissions of the system contract that contains the action

4. Set up fio-wallet

Depending on how you are accessing your FIO keys, you may need to update your fio-wallet. For example, in the config file we set the wallet config as:

"walletHost": ""

The MSIG script will be looking for the wallet at that port. If you are unsure if the wallet is running you can restart it with following:

pkill fio-wallet
./fio-wallet --http-server-address= &

Next, you will need to import the key associated with your proposer account into a local wallet. In the example below I create a new "msigwallet" wallet and import my key:

./clio wallet create -n msigwallet --to-console
./clio wallet import -n msigwallet

Make sure you capture the private key for the new wallet from the console in case you need it in the future. When you are done submitting the msig you can delete this temporary wallet.

5. Create and submit the msig using

The next step is to build and submit the msig by running A successful run will look something like:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-28-246:~/MSIG_console_manager$ ./
executed transaction: e93bee5e099297efc58191ae9dc86340991078ed2580b6b9911152595ddf1a7f  680 bytes  7041 us
#    eosio.msig <= eosio.msig::propose          {"proposer":"un3emex141fp","proposal_name":"crtfeeoratst","requested":[{"actor":"5du5xkgkki5x","perm...
#       fio.fee <= fio.fee::bytemandfee         {"end_point":"msig_propose","account":"un3emex141fp","max_fee":1000000000000,"bytesize":638}
#     fio.token <= fio.token::transfer          {"from":"un3emex141fp","to":"fio.treasury","quantity":"0.632469037 FIO","memo":"FIO fee: msig_propos...
#  un3emex141fp <= fio.token::transfer          {"from":"un3emex141fp","to":"fio.treasury","quantity":"0.632469037 FIO","memo":"FIO fee: msig_propos...
#  fio.treasury <= fio.token::transfer          {"from":"un3emex141fp","to":"fio.treasury","quantity":"0.632469037 FIO","memo":"FIO fee: msig_propos...
#  fio.treasury <= fio.treasury::bprewdupdate   {"amount":442728325}
#   fio.staking <= fio.staking::incgrewards     "8bad6c0900000000"
#  fio.treasury <= fio.treasury::fdtnrwdupdat   {"amount":31623451}
#         eosio <= eosio::incram                {"accountmn":"un3emex141fp","amount":1024}
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet         ] 

Note, if you want to test out the script before submitting a transaction you can:

  • Comment out the ./ multisig propose_trx ... line
  • Comment out the rm trx.json line
  • Run the script and examine the trx.json file

6. Confirm your transaction

There are several ways to verify and validate multiSig transactions, including command-line actions to UIs (TestNet/MainNet only).

  • Command-line: ./clio -u <*Net API Node> get table -l -1 eosio.msig <Proposer> proposal
  • Command-line: ./clio -u <*Net API Node> multisig review <Proposer> <Proposal Name>
  • Command-line/UI: Using curl or Postman to call the FIO API: <DevNet API Node>/v1/chain/get_block with json body of '{"block_num_or_id": "<Trx Block Nbr>"}'.
  • FIO TestNet, you can confirm it by visiting the multisig page on
  • FIO MainNet, you can confirm it by visiting the multisig page on


No available wallet

If you have created a local wallet and imported your key and get the following error:

Error 3120006: No available wallet
Ensure that you have created a wallet and have it open
Error Details:
You don't have any wallet!

You may need to unlock your wallet:

./clio wallet unlock -n msigwallet

jq: error (at input.json:1): break

If you get the following error when running

ubuntu@ip-172-31-28-246:~/MSIG_console_manager$ ./
jq: error (at input.json:1): break

You may be using ./clio instead of ./ in your 1_actions_list file.